
Hakea Landscape and Revegetation Services
Hakea Landscape and Revegetation Services is an innovative and progressive company which will provide you with a quality service, delivered by a professional and experienced team, on time and within budget.
Hakea Landscape and Revegetation Services understand client requirements and can provide the following services to your company and clients:
- Revegetation
- Landscape Construction
- Landscape Maintenance
- Watercourse and Wetland Rehabilitation
- Weed Control
PO Box 764 Stirling SA 5152
Mobile: 0412 456 108
Fax: (08) 8388 2589
Email: andy@hakealandscape.com.au
ABN 903 779 416 07
Builders licence no. BLD186949
Member of Civil Contractors Federation SA
Member of Master Builders Association SA
Member of Inskill SA